Source code for voeventdb.remote.apiv1.definitions

Classes enumerated things specific to apiv1.

These are intended to be useful to the end-user in building queries.

class Endpoints:
    ## Regex from server inspection output:
    ## ^'(.*)': (.*').* -> $1 = $2
    ## Then:
    ## ([\w]*)/(.*) -> $1_$2
    root = '/apiv1/'
    count = '/apiv1/count'
    list_ivorn = '/apiv1/list/ivorn'
    list_ivorn_ncites = '/apiv1/list/ivorn_ncites'
    list_ivorn_nrefs = '/apiv1/list/ivorn_nrefs'
    map_authored_month_count = '/apiv1/map/authored_month_count'
    map_role_count = '/apiv1/map/role_count'
    map_stream_count = '/apiv1/map/stream_count'
    map_stream_role_count = '/apiv1/map/stream_role_count'
    packet_synopsis = '/apiv1/packet/synopsis/'
    packet_xml = '/apiv1/packet/xml/'

[docs]class FilterKeys: """ Enumerates valid filters. Useful for building dictionaries representing filter-sets, eg.:: filters = { FilterKeys.ivorn_contains: 'GRB', FilterKeys.role : 'observation', } For definitions of the various filters, and examples of valid values, see the :ref:`voeventdb query-filters <voeventdbserver:apiv1_filters>` page. """ authored_since = 'authored_since' authored_until = 'authored_until' cited = 'cited' cone = 'cone' coord = 'coord' dec_greater_than = 'dec_gt' dec_less_than = 'dec_lt' ivorn_contains = 'ivorn_contains' ivorn_prefix = 'ivorn_prefix' ref_any = 'ref_any' ref_contains = 'ref_contains' ref_exact = 'ref_exact' role = 'role' stream = 'stream'
[docs]class OrderValues: """ Enumerates valid orderings. For details see :ref:`this section <voeventdbserver:ordervalues>` in the *voeventdb.server* docs. """ author_datetime = 'author_datetime' author_datetime_desc = '-author_datetime' id = 'id' id_desc = '-id' ivorn = 'ivorn' ivorn_desc = '-ivorn'